26 May 2012

"An Anthology of Twentieth-Century Brazilian Poetry" (1972)

A poem, a meme, outlives the moment, surpasses the poet, passes neglected---serendipitously selected, nudges, evolves, nurtures, dissolves. A thought, an emotion, lighter than prose (tumbles if verbose), sails (mumbles and wails) the mind (a parasite rhymed), daintily spoken (often broken), suspended in action (indulgent distraction).

15 May 2012

Indiscreet (1958)

Romancing is divulging who one is, so one must be in order to divulge, and therefore multitask, or task with flair and hope that someone may be there, deciphering.

A play talks in order to say. A film advances a plot, and says most by talking not.

5 May 2012

You Can't Take it with You

(Young Centre for the Performing Arts, 4 May 2012)

If one has the privilege of doing what one likes, one should. Then, when employment opportunities for many were dull, doing nothing or doing housework was no worse than having a paid job. Now, one aspires not only to avoid what one dislikes, but also to do what one likes, which typically involves specialising in assisting those outside one's family, and earns a pecuniary reward.

Performing screwball comedy is hard. It requires dignity. Individual peculiarities must reveal deeper features of one's character, instead of being mere aberrations.